About Jahlen McDonald

Jahlen Zion McDonald was born November 20th 2000 to young parents committed to nurturing his mind, body and spirit. From birth, Jahlen shared his infectious smile and enthusiasm for life with every one that he came in contact with. Declared a leader at a young age, Jahlen was a proud follower of Christ, always unashamed to share his faith publicly. Proudly proclaiming his favorite verse Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord God with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding". Jahlen knew and loved God, his family and his friends. To know him was to love him as his joy and passion for life was infectious. Jahlen prided himself on his artistic ability, his penchant for playfully "talking smack" while playing basketball, video games or a game of chess, his showcase of fancy footwear and his insightful ability to encourage others with his kind words, helpful spirit, witty humor and kind gestures.

Jahlen lived and loved to serve others. Following the example set forth by Jesus Christ of Servant Leadership, whether demonstrating random acts of kindness to complete strangers, dedicating his time to the homeless ministry preparing meals and feeding the homeless, donating toys and clothes to those in need, or helping prepare baskets of food for needy families, Jahlen found great joy in serving others. An active boy constantly in motion, his teachers would often comment about him "popping up" out of his seat (often without permission) to help others. Jahlen's response would always be "But, I was just trying to help, give, share…" His commitment to serve didn't end there, Jahlen was a Junior Academic Coach and role model to many young and old people alike at his second home The B.E.E. Academy. Jahlen hoped to become a U.S. Marine and serve his country and to later become a police Officer and serve his community.

A proud Young Marine, PVT, Jahlen Zion McDonald, while at a Division 2 Field Meet tragically passed away due to the sudden rupturing of a hypoplastic right coronary artery of the heart, in Seaford, Delaware on June 21, 2014 at the tender age of 13. Sadly, the boy with the amazing big heart died of a small abnormality of the heart.

In Jahlen's passing an outpouring of stories and sentiments surfaced to support the kind and loving character of this amazing young man. So much so, that the Pastor at Jahlen's funeral asked "Who will take up the baton? Who will rise to the challenge of this young man's example of kindness, character and generosity?" The church filled to the rafters with adults and children alike impacted by this short, but meaningful life overwhelming stood and proclaimed "I will!" At that moment the Jahlen Gesture was born.

About the Team

The Jahlen Gestures team consists of a team of individuals deeply impacted by the life and legacy of Jahlen McDonald. The team's mission is to ensure that Jahlen's spirit of service, kindness and giving never dies by ensuring that his spirit lives on through the Jahlen Gestures Movement. If you are interested in joining or contacting the team with questions, media or medical inquiries, please send all correspondence to info@jahlengestures.com