Outsourcing Acts of Kindness

Allow us to Do more Good on your behalf

You may not want to lead a POP UP or do an individual Jahlen Gesture, but you can still help plant the small Acorn that grows the giant Oak. Jahlen's friends and family are committed to continuing this vision of greater good for the greater good. In fact the initial funds used to do the first wave of Jahlen gestures were donated and done by Jahlen's family and friends. We want to be able to do more, but to do more, we need more. We need YOU!

So far, we've sponsored Education, Sports, Enrichment and Faith based programs that were near and dear to Jahlen's heart. We want to provide grants to community based organizations and individuals that serve others everywhere. These grants, funded by your donations of any size will go a long way to planting the seed that grows the giant OAK of goodwill across the globe.

These grants will be up to $250 and can be used for the following:

  • Sponsor a POP UP activity
  • Sponsor a nonprofit youth programs
  • Sponsor a training or vocational program
  • Purchase books or curriculum for an afterschool program or classroom
  • Scholarship a college bound student
  • Support a family in need